Studio 1


The recording area is over 90 m² and is made up of four separate areas with differing acoustics. All of the rooms are air-conditioned. The main room has a surface area of 65m² and it is five metres high.

A large window provides natural light and a beautiful view of the neighbouring woods. The acoustic design has been carried out from scratch by the acoustic designer Benjamín González of the company Audiosíntesis, without any restrictions on space. This room is equipped with RPG acoustic diffusors. Both the natural light and size of the studio make for a very pleasant working environment, with excellent acoustics to record anything from classical music (chamber orchestras, choirs, etc.) to more modern styles (big bands, jazz, blues, pop-rock and so on).Glass doors lead from the main room into the three other rooms, which are also interconnected. They are equipped with RPG diffusors and range from the liveliest acousts of the largest room the driest acoustic atmosphere of the smallest.

Having four independent rooms enables session recording so that all the components of the band can record simultaneously, which is a highly recommended way of getting good results.



The control Room, of 55 m2, features natural lighting and air-conditioning. The acoustic treatment is done with RPGDifussors. Being a new construction, designed to be a recording studio, has resulted in a room with optimal acustic conditions.

The main monitoring is done with a pair of Genelec1035A which combined with excelent acoustics create the maximum level ambience when mixing projects. This studio is completely fitted to make 5.1 mixes for films and Music DVDs.

The mixing desk is a Neve VR60 Legend with flying faders, total recall and dynamics per channel. All the periodic maintenance of the desk is carried out directly by Neve technicians from England.

The recording system is a Protools HD3 accel with 32 inputs and 48 ouputs using Apogee and Digidesign 96 I/0 converters.

All equipment that produces any kind of noise is situated in an independent machine room outside de control room.

We also have a System 6000 of T.C. Electronic with 24/96 converters, Lexicon PCM 91, Millenia Media STT1, DBX 165A, TLAudio C1 and so on



Steinberg Wavelab 8
Instruments virtuals